Thursday, 30 May 2013

How Many Tango Moves Do I Need?

How Many Tango Moves Do I Need?

And What The Big Bang Crew Taught Me About Tango

sunshine coast tango55 300x194 How Many Tango Moves Do I Need?
There was a question that I ask myself in the early days of Tango and watching Tango Videos and all the new men learning now ask this same question…

. ..and guess what in a hundred years from now … this same question will keep coming up…..

How many moves do I need to learn so that I can dance Tango well?

And the answers that you will get from most Tango teachers is …

…. “Et’s wot in the mouesss!!! Vouve kot to wearn da halk eirst!!!! … 

(yes that was my attempt at speaking with a Argentinean sixth generation Spanish accent .. not bad…. I am reading ‘Spanish For Dummies’ … and I know that some would agree with that title for me!!)

Let’s use Babel Fish to translate:

“It’s not in the moves!!! You’ve got to learn the walk first!!!”

But I here at Tango Videos am going to answer the question differently…. in English and with a twist.

My thinking is that when a leader knows a number of moves….i.e. 12.3 … they have reached a level of competency that allows them to ‘feel’ better on the dance floor to be able to walk better. …. it’s a bit like the chicken and egg thing….. but more of that later…

….And let me add that the ‘leader’ … what we are talking about here is a white middle age going onto later age male with slightly oversize midriff, dropping jowls, mass amount of baggage with low self-esteem and non-dancing background….

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We are going to get into the mind of Dr Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang crew to assist us with this very serious Tango challenge, puzzle, dilemma, riddle, enigma, impediment and conundrum.

(Oh I love Synonyms)!

(who would have thought)

Now Dr Sheldon Cooper has told me that in mathematics there is a ‘thing’ called ‘Factorials’.

Now I know you may be asking ‘What the heck is a Factorial’ …. but surprisingly there is 5.8% of you that know exactly what a Factorial is or are…..

And just to add a side note…. 67.4% of statistic’s are made up by the deliver to make them sound like they know what they are talking about….

….the other 32.6% are just lies….. to continue….

In mathematics, the factorial of a non-negative integer n, denoted by n!, is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n. For example,

5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120

The value of 0! is 1, according to the convention for an empty product.

The factorial operation is encountered in many different areas of mathematics, notably in combinatorics, algebra and mathematical analysis.

Its most basic occurrence is the fact that there are n! ways to arrange n distinct objects into a sequence (i.e., permutations of the set of objects).
 How Many Tango Moves Do I Need?
This fact was known at least as early as the 12th century, to Indian scholars. The notation n! was introduced by Christian Kramp in 1808.

The definition of the factorial function can also be extended to non-integer arguments, while retaining its most important properties; this involves more advanced mathematics, notably techniques from mathematical analysis.

Ok now you know what a Factorial is we go back to what happened earlier…

‘What the heck is a Factorial’ … Ok … let’s change it to something we might understand.
Let’s say you have three object or items … i.e.… A B C….

How many different ways (what are the different combinations) can we arrange these three objects or items … let’s us try …..

1) A B C
2) A C B
3) B A C
4) B C A
5) C A B
6) C B A

That’s it…. there are 6 different ways we can arrange 3 object or items… but here is the interesting mathematical ‘thing’ … we can work out the combinations by using the Factorial formula ….. i.e.
3 items / objects …. 3 x 2 x 1 = 6 

Now kiddies…. let’s see who is paying attention …. if we have 4 items / objects .. how many different combinations can we have…..

…go to the top of the class if you came up with 24

4 items / objects …. 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24

So what does this have to do with Tango…

.. I’m glad you asked….. If the leader knows 5 different moves …. he can arrange them in a number of different combinations…

i.e.…. 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120 

Now the thought-provoking thing is when a Tango leader knows 12.3 moves they have reached a confidence level that they are not scared to death to go onto the dance floor.

So 12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 ….. oh you get the point….

….(the interesting thing here is that followers only need 5.8 moves to feel confident)…

sunshine coast tango 3436 300x161 How Many Tango Moves Do I Need?
I always know that you girls are more advanced than us guys…

… but let’s leave that for another day….

And remember what we are talking about here is white middle age going onto later age male with slightly oversize midriff, dropping jowls, mass amount of baggage with low self-esteem and non-dancing background….

So next time you are learning a move ‘leaders’ remember Dr Sheldon Cooper and the Factorials…. and Bazinga!!

Duncan from The Tango Videos site.

Tango Milonga by Gustavo Benzecry and Maria Olivera

Tango Milonga by Gustavo Benzecry and Maria Olivera.

Tango Milonga by Gustavo Benzecry and Maria Olivera

Tango Sacadas and Boleos by Santiago Steele and Maria Ybarra

Tango Sacadas and Boleos by Santiago Steele and Maria Ybarra.


Tango Sacadas and Boleos by Santiago Steele and Maria Ybarra

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Tango Videos and Will Smith!

What has Will Smith and The Tango Videos have in common?

Will Smith and my take here on The Tango Videos!

First off …. I don’t think Will Smith has ever Tango… I have searched high and low on on the net … and nothing.

But his take and words on the Entertainment Industry – which I feel has and uncannily similarity to learning Tango.

Tango Videos and Will Smith 300x225 Tango Videos and Will Smith!

Will Smith
The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill.
I will not be out-worked, period.

You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things you got it on me in nine categories.

But if we get on the treadmill together, there’s two things: You’re getting off first, or I’m going to die.

It’s really that simple, right?

You’re not going to out-work me.

It’s such a simple, basic concept.

The guy who is willing to hustle the most is going to be the guy that just gets that loose ball.

The majority of people who aren’t getting the places they want or aren’t achieving the things that they want in this business is strictly based on hustle.

It’s strictly based on being out-worked; it’s strictly based on missing crucial opportunities.

I say all the time if you stay ready, you ain’t gotta get ready.”

What are your thoughts?

Tango Paradas Workshop by Oscar and Mary Ann Casas

Tango Paradas Workshop by Oscar and Mary Ann Casas.

Tango Paradas Workshop by Oscar and Mary Ann Casas

Test Post from The Tango Videos

Test Post from The Tango Videos

Pole Dancing and Tango???

Pole Dancing and Tango?

How would have thought that Tango and pole dancing would ever happen!

Well now I have seen Tango and Pole Dancing done together and I have to say ..... 'Not Bad'

Below I have a link to our web site The Tango Videos to see this clip.

The Tango Videos


The Tango Videos Pole Dancing Clip

Or if I can do this right here is the clip embed on to this blog.... enjoy

Should Tango and Pole Dancing be in the same room???

.. let me know what your thoughts are.


Some Great Images of Tango

Some Great Images of Tango

Tango Videos

Collect moments not things..

... to see more go to our web site Tango Videos

Tango Videos

If you want something you've never had then you've got to do something you've never done!

Tango Videos
Tango Videos

One's ability to succeed, is always proportional
to one's willingness to fail!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Tango Videos

Hi All,

Just uploaded a youtube of the Tango Videos.

To see online at youtube go to : Click Here



Thursday, 16 May 2013

Tango Videos!

tango videos1 300x187 Tango Videos 

Tango Videos – Why?

First off I want to thank you for coming to this site The Tango Videos’.

Why have we created this site?

I’m glad you asked.

tangovideoswhy2 Tango Videos

How do you explain or convey a ‘feeling’ to someone else?

This is what Tango is – a feeling.

Have a look at some of theses photo and see if you can see this ‘feeling’.

I can give you heaps of REASONS why Argentine Tango is one of the most beautiful dance that I have ever come across.
tangovideoswhy1a 238x300 Tango Videos
  •  Good for your health
  • Makes you feel good about yourself
  • Improves your posture
  • Helps you keep in shape
  • Will help you and your partner connect
  • If single – will help you meet new people
But none of the above will explain or even come close to letting you know what Tango is about.

The only way to understand is – when you dance it you will know.

And if you are a Tango dancer you will know what I mean.

tangovideoswhy4 Tango Videos
You can dance Argentine Tango all around the world!

This web site The Tango Videos has been set up to show on one site the vast information that is out there about Argentine Tango.

When I first started in Tango I wanted to know about the moves, the steps, the music, the walk, the hold, the intention, the embrace, the floor craft, etc.

So here 4 years later I have decided to put up what I would have liked to see when I first started.

If you go to the Tango Categories and see the drop down box with ‘Selected a Category’ you will see a vast list of different number of ‘category’s’ relating to Tango Videos.

tangovideoswhy3a 300x225 Tango Videos
    tangovideoswhy6 201x300 Tango Videos
  • Tango Back Sacadas
  • Tango Barridas
  • Tango Boleos
  • Tango Calesitas
  • Tango Colgadas
  • Tango Enrosque
  • Tango Funny Videos
  • Tango Ganchos
  • Tango In The Movies
  • Tango Milonga
  • Tango Milonga Workshop
  • Tango Music Milonga
  • Tango Music Nuevo
  • Tango Music Traditional
  • Tango Music Vals
  • Tango Ocho Cortado
  • Tango Paradas
  • Tango Performance
  • Tango Planeos
  • Tango Rulo
  • Tango Sacadas
  • Tango Traspie
  • Tango Vals
  • Tango Vals Workshop
  • Tango Volcadas
  • Tango Women Adornments
  • Tango Workshops
  • Top Video Picks

tangovideoswhy7 Tango Videos

Enjoy The Tango Videos site and if you would like some area of
Argentine Tango that I have missed out on here please let me know.

Go and dance Tango.


The Tango Videos

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Tango Videos Bandoneon Player
I have been to a number of Tango dances and I have never seen a tango bandoneon player like this.

Now maybe you have ... please let me know where.

I thought that Tango was sexy enough as it is... but to add this ... don't know if I can take it... going to have a cold shower now!

Until next time.

To see more great Tango images go to our Pinterest site:

The Tango Videos Pinterest Boards

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Sex and Tango!

Sex and Tango!

Now here is an interesting question – ‘Does sex sell in Tango?’.

The other day I was searching on the web for some Tango Video clips and came across this heading for a  clip – Sexy Tango.

Now being a male – please don’t hold my psychological makeup and my billions of years of evolution to make me a male against me please girls!! – so being a male I right away click on the link and watch this two beautiful couple dance a very sexy tango performance together.

What was fascinating was that this Tango clip had over 300,000 views. Ok … I was now 300,001 and I added to the count.

But right under the clip was the original pair of dancers doing the same dance but the tittle was – ‘Mauro Caiazza – TANGO’.  And with only 12,000 views.

Now just to warn you … yes they both have different sound tracks as well. The sexy one has a younger heavy non tango beat track to the dance and the original one has a pure tango song.

But I feel that the big difference is not the music type but just the words – Sexy Tango!

Now the simple thing is that sex in advertising is sometimes used as a specific technique to arouse interest in a particular object, service or form.

Usually, images of breathtaking ladies (and increasingly, handsome guys) which are used to lure in a audience, reader or listener.
 Sex and Tango!It’s been documented that we as human creatures, have a reptilian way of thinking that reacts to certain primal urges.

Food is actually one. Love and reproduction is definitely another.

This fundamental, per-programmed disposition to respond to intimate imagery is really so powerful, it was useful for over 100 years in advertising.

And please – girls – you know what you are doing when you are getting all dressed up with makeup and hair and heels and short skirt and  … I better stop now – it’s getting hot in here!

So in our two different tango video clips by just adding the word ‘Sexy’ into it I feel that it shot to over 300,002 – oh … I just went and had a look at it again.

To see the two clips here they are:

Sexy Tango – Click Here!

Mauro Caiazz – Click Here!

Now guess what …. I know which one you clicked – we have a running number count going and you can guess which one is out performing!

What are your thoughts?

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Are there some moves you should not do in Tango???

Like this one??

To see some more great photos go to:

Or if you are looking for some great tango videos go to:



Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Hi Tango Lovers,

Just getting the hang of this web stuff.... here is a link to our web
site The Tango Videos..... enjoy.
